Dear,What Exactly do you mean to change it within the registry?
Is your WSUS fully patched?
That Value it will get reset to its true value. So there is no point is editing. Exactly what problem are you trying to solve with editing that key?Dear,
I have WSUS server only. On client computers in registry went to following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and change product name windows 10 to windows 11 but after sometimes reverting back to windows 10.
在wsus server all win11 show win10. Please refer the attachment also. Wsus server fully patched.
Dear,That Value it will get reset to its true value. So there is no point is editing. Exactly what problem are you trying to solve with editing that key?
Yes I read screens shots. You problem is if the device think they are Windows 10, What make you think that they are windows 11. And how will changing it details within WSUS solve anything.Dear,
Did you attachment? How to resolve this?
Any way to change it or it is from Microsoft there is bugs.Yes I read screens shots. You problem is if the device think they are Windows 10, What make you think that they are windows 11. And how will changing it details within WSUS solve anything.