After running a scan of our system we found that all of our Windows 10 machines needed updates that SCCM doesn't provide, instead they come from the Microsoft store. And in, at least, some people's cases this is no big deal, but it is for us. We are a closed system, zero internet touch. This means I jujst can't get an update from the Microsoft store. After some research, it seems that SCCM has the ability to get those types of updates using Intune. I know that Intune is a paid service, but if I understand correctly there is also a way to use Intune for free through SCCM by setting up a cloud attachment, under the cloud services on the administrative panel. I hope that information is correct?
Now if that is correct, the problem I'm facing is trying to make the account that is needed so I can use it to create the cloud attachment. I think it is supposed to be an Azure business account, but those require payment plans. How do I either create a free account so I can connect my SCCM with Intune and download the need updates OR just get the updates I need that only the store seems to provide?
Thanks for your time
Now if that is correct, the problem I'm facing is trying to make the account that is needed so I can use it to create the cloud attachment. I think it is supposed to be an Azure business account, but those require payment plans. How do I either create a free account so I can connect my SCCM with Intune and download the need updates OR just get the updates I need that only the store seems to provide?
Thanks for your time