HI Garth,What exactly is in your Powershell script?
HI Garth,What exactly is in your Powershell script?
Hi Garth,Have you tested your script using the local system account?
How to Access the Local System Account
"What is the local system account?" "What privileges does the local system account have?" "What's the difference between the 'site server computerwww.recastsoftware.com
Are you using a program or application to deploy this?
Hi Garth,Have you tested your script using the local system account?
How to Access the Local System Account
"What is the local system account?" "What privileges does the local system account have?" "What's the difference between the 'site server computerwww.recastsoftware.com
Are you using a program or application to deploy this?
For 100% clarity, you use the Local System account. e.g. you use psexec to access the account and then run the script.Hi Garth,
We created an application.
Yes. I tested my script on a local system and it runs successfully and installs the msi file and exe file and creates bgptray.exe on the startup menu and replaces it with bgp tray agent shortcut.
I also tested the script when it is in the SCCM Server path location and executed in powershell with Network path defined and it ran successfully.
So that is NOT testing with the local system account. Please read the blog and use PSexec to access the local system account and test the script again.Hi Garth,
I opened the Powershell ISE window on the test device which is a windows 10 workstation and executed the script which worked fine. I created an application in SCCM for the script and when I deployed to the windows 10 workstation. the application is shown in the software center. when I run it from software center then the error comes as shown in my earlier screenshot.
Thanks & Regards,
Sagi Varma
Why can't you run it?I am unable to execute the psexec utility.
So, what you are saying is that you can't test the script in the same manor that ConfigMgr will execute it. You need to talk to your client about allowing you to solve this problem.HI Garth,
My client provided me Domain account to use on the client workstation. I do not have local system account to execute the script.
Thanks & Regards,
Sagi Varma
Look at your environment variable. There will be one for the shared desktop.Hi Garth,
还有一个关于这个脚本请求。The shortcut icon should be copied to the Default profile start Menu on windows 10 and windows 11. By default, windows 10 default profile has start Menu under default profile but windows 11 does not have it.
Please suggest.
Thanks & regards,
Sagi varma