PENDINGThis task sequence cannot be run because the program files for cannot be located on a distribution point.



hey all
weve just deployed a brand new DP and trying to get TS builds working but i keep getting the following


i can confirm that the package above does exist on the DP.


i managed to get my hands on the smsts.log file from the vm that im working on and at the end of the log i can see the following.

Content location request for UBB00003:19 failed. (Code 0x80040102) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
hr, HRESULT=80040102 (..\tspolicy.cpp,2924) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
Failed to resolve PackageID=UBB00003 TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
(*iTSReference)->Resolve( pTSPolicyManager, dwResolveFlags ), HRESULT=80040102 (..\tspolicy.cpp,3798) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
m_pSelectedTaskSequence->Resolve( m_pPolicyManager, TS::policy::TaskSequence::ResolvePolicy | TS::policy::TaskSequence::ResolveSource, fpCallbackProc, pv, hCancelEvent), HRESULT=80040102 (tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,1603) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040102) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
hrReturn, HRESULT=80040102 (tsmediaresolveprogresspage.cpp,445) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence failed. Code(0x80040102) TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1444 (0x05A4)
ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence returned code 0x80040102 TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1240 (0x04D8)
Setting wizard error: This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for UBB00003 cannot be located on a distribution point. For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator. TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1240 (0x04D8)
ResolveProgressPage::OnWizardNext() TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1240 (0x04D8)
Activating Finish Page. TSPxe 18/01/2023 09:59:06 1240 (0x04D8)
Executing command line: X:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k TSBootShell 18/01/2023 09:59:11 996 (0x03E4)
The command completed successfully. TSBootShell 18/01/2023 09:59:11 996 (0x03E4)
Successfully launched command shell. TSBootShell 18/01/2023 09:59:11 996 (0x03E4)

the DP and the VM im working with are both on the same subnet/vlan so i cant see it being a network issue.
does anybody know what else i could try/check to see what is going on?

content distribution seems to be working fine and packages are being deployed successfully.

not sure where to go from here...


New Member
你得到这个地方吗?我在the same issue...

So we have been imaging via SCCM Task Sequence all our PC's for a long time using the same Task Sequence (Different drivers for different models based on WMI call) and they have been working without issue.

We got a new Optiplex 7000 in and every time you try to image it it will get stuck while resolving the dependencies and show this error:

Image: post content
smsts.log shows:
Content location request for ApplicationModel:ScopeId_79295EBF-2223-4E6A-B801-E5B7E08728FB/Application_33fdbbd3-b27d-40f9-8847-5c22a08d9528:1 failed. (Code 0x80040102)
Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040102)
ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence failed. Code(0x80040102)

If you remove all the Applications (not packages) from the Task Sequence it runs just fine (installs OS and drivers, windows config, packages, etc.). Meaning the PXE boot media we use is working and allows the Optiplex to contact SCCM server and resolve all dependencies other than Applications.

I'm kind of stumped and about to open a ticket with Microsoft...

Any ideas what could cause this? The content is definitely in the distribution point because The Task sequence and PXE Boot works fine for all other Dell models but the Optiplex.

Thanks everyone.



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nah we havent.. weve actually got a sccm specialist coming to sort this mess out

our environment needs a massive overhaul anyways, its been moved and shifted around quite a lot ... think were gonna go for a brand new fresh setup.

倒要看看他能找到根吗cause of this as we cannot find any logs or info as to why this is happening.

also to throw a spanner in the works... task sequences work in the same location/subnet where the primary sccm server is hosted... works fine there..
but as soon as we try somewhere else it fails with the errors above.

boundaries are definitely setup for all our DPs so i doubt its that.


New Member
Thanks Roger. Hope you get all that sorted out. SCCM is a beast.

We did get this resolved finally. So... The issue for us was that due to a help desk error there was another VLAN on the switch that this particular machine was using to get it's IP to image. It got an IP, was able to reach SCCM, and also run the task sequence with all other items other than Applications. But... the IP subnet that it was on was NOT assigned to the local distribution point boundary group.

Because it could do everything but applications and connectivity to SCCM looked solid I never thought of this but it was the answer. Once I got it to a different switch port and acquired an IP on the proper subnet assigned to the BG the entire task sequence ran without issue.

So Applications are boundary denpendant but packages and OS and Network settings, etc. are not.

Hope this helps anyone else running into this.

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