NEWSCCM 2211 .exe Application Deployment



New Member
Hello All,

Fairly new to SCCM/MECM here but I’ve done plenty of research and investigated how to deploy .exe install files on countless videos and websites and I’m still having trouble on getting this exe to install. Our mobile techs use this application called MobileFrame and the goal here is to push out version 6.4.7 to our techs. The install exe and silent commands work just fine when running locally but when I deploy via SCCM it gives me the error “0x643(1603)”.

I can’t seem to find a fix here. I was curious if anybody here could assist? Logs are copied down below for your reference.

Below is the AppEnforce log entries that appear after an attempt:

< ![LOG[+++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "Silent Exe" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_1B435557-3AE6-4504-AC32-E413A13B7785/DeploymentType_9d519680-9ac4-4a1c-a0e6-57d5f8631bfd, Revision - 3, ContentPath - C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1a, Execution Context - System]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Performing detection of app deployment type Silent Exe(ScopeId_1B435557-3AE6-4504-AC32-E413A13B7785/DeploymentType_9d519680-9ac4-4a1c-a0e6-57d5f8631bfd, revision 3) for system.]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[+++ Application not discovered. [AppDT Id: ScopeId_1B435557-3AE6-4504-AC32-E413A13B7785/DeploymentType_9d519680-9ac4-4a1c-a0e6-57d5f8631bfd, Revision: 3]]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ App enforcement environment:
Context: Machine
Command line: "MobileFrame Windows Client Setup.exe" /s /V"/quiet /qn /log c:\install.log"
Allow user interaction: No
UI mode: 1
User token: null
Session Id: 1
Content path: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1a
Working directory: ]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Prepared working directory: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1a]LOG]!>
< !(日志(准备命令行:“C: \ WINDOWS \ ccmcache\1a\MobileFrame Windows Client Setup.exe" /s /V"/quiet /qn /log c:\install.log"]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Executing Command line: "C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1a\MobileFrame Windows Client Setup.exe" /s /V"/quiet /qn /log c:\install.log" with user context]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Working directory C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1a]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Post install behavior is BasedOnExitCode]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Waiting for process 19184 to finish. Timeout = 15 minutes.]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Process 19184 terminated with exitcode: 1603]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Looking for exit code 1603 in exit codes table...]LOG]!>
< ![LOG[ Unmatched exit code (1603) is considered an execution failure.]LOG]!>
< !(日志(+ + + + + +程序执行完成(6秒) for App DT "Silent Exe" [ScopeId_1B435557-3AE6-4504-AC32-E413A13B7785/DeploymentType_9d519680-9ac4-4a1c-a0e6-57d5f8631bfd], Revision: 3, User SID: ] ++++++]LOG]!>

If it helps, attached is the install log that MobileFrame creates.


  • install.log
    39 KB · Views: 1

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