We are in the process of transitioning from Zenworks to MECM and our certificate for Zenworks expired leaving many of our clients disconnected. So this is really just a certificate deployment to the root store. The detection method just looks to see if the registry key that is added by the updater, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\Certificates\950F6E..., exists. However, the Zenworks client isn't installed on every workstation in our network and the "updater" (exe created by MicroFocus) won't install the cert if Zenworks isn't found. This throws an error or times out. So we just want to detect if Zenworks is present on the box before attempting the install. In the deployment type, requirements tab, I don't see anything that allows requiring a file or registry key to be present on the system before install is attempted. This seems like a basic feature that is missing... but then I am used to Zenworks where I can detect just about anything and set it as a major or minor requirement for install.