NEWPXE boot policy request results in 'NoReply' (0x80004005)



New Member
We have recently run across a problem trying to boot and install clients via PXE from our ConfigMgr/EndpointMgr server. The server is currently running CM 2303 with hotfix rollup KB24719670 applied.

Things look good until the PXE client attempts to download policy to determine which task sequences are available to run. Logs from the client follow:

Preparing Policy Assignment Request. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting transport. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting site code = CSE. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting client ID = 7ee8d364-41fc-4a30-a171-4fb26ffd7e3e. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting site signing Certificate. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting SiteSigningCertificateContext TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Executing Policy Assignment Request. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Sending RequestAssignments TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Setting the authenticator. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: WinHttpOpenRequest - URL: :443 CCM_POST /ccm_system_AltAuth/request TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
SSL, using authenticator in request. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
In SSL, but with no client cert. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Request was successful. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
reply from server is 'NoReply' TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
DoRequest (sReply, true), HRESULT=80004005 (K:\dbs\sh\cmgm\0807_174415\cmd\n\src\Framework\OSDMessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,3344) TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
oPolicyAssignments.RequestAssignments(), HRESULT=80004005 (K:\dbs\sh\cmgm\0807_174415\cmd\1v\src\Framework\TSCore\tspolicy.cpp,1452) TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Failed to request policy assignments (Code 0x80004005) TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
m_pPolicyManager->init( sMP, nHttpPort, nHttpsPort, sSiteCode, bUseCRL, L"", sMediaPfx, sMediaGuid, sEnterpriseCert, sServerCerts, sSiteSigningCert, sAuthenticator), HRESULT=80004005 (K:\dbs\sh\cmgm\0807_174415\cmd\9\src\client\TaskSequence\TSMBootstrap\tsmediawizardcontrol.cpp,1234) TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Failed to initialize policy from Management Point TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)
Exiting TSMediaWizardControl::GetPolicy. TSMBootstrap 8/24/2023 1:17:07 PM 1560 (0x0618)

I've gone through reinstalling the DP and MP services (all on one server with site database) and redeploying PXE services both with and without WDS. The client will successfully boot to the WinPE environment, accept the configured PXE password, but then fail with error 0x80004005 due to a policy download issue.

I would be most grateful for any suggestions to clear up this issue that would allow our clients to install via PXE again.


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