Hi Prajwal,
I followed your guide to configure CMG.
When running the CMG Connection Analyzer using AD user this is what I get:
当使用客户端证书运行它,这个我s what I get:
Running internal Root CA using a windows server vm.
CMG Certificate:
CNAME entry created in AD DNS:
Similarly I have created a CNAME entry with my external DNS provider: CMG01.activedirectorydomain.com pointing to CMG01.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com
Client Certificate:
SMS_Cloud_ProxyConnector.log shows:
I have followed your CMG guide and the above is what I'm stuck at.
Additional info:
- CMG Connection Point has been installed.
- Client Device --> Config MGR --> General Tab shows intranet.
- NSlookup resolves the Service name: CMG01.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com with the public IP address assigned to the VM scale set.
- In the properties of the MP I have also selected:
If there are any additional logs required please let me know and am happy to screenshot it.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I followed your guide to configure CMG.
When running the CMG Connection Analyzer using AD user this is what I get:

当使用客户端证书运行它,这个我s what I get:

Running internal Root CA using a windows server vm.
CMG Certificate:

CNAME entry created in AD DNS:

Similarly I have created a CNAME entry with my external DNS provider: CMG01.activedirectorydomain.com pointing to CMG01.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com
Client Certificate:


SMS_Cloud_ProxyConnector.log shows:

I have followed your CMG guide and the above is what I'm stuck at.
Additional info:
- CMG Connection Point has been installed.
- Client Device --> Config MGR --> General Tab shows intranet.
- NSlookup resolves the Service name: CMG01.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com with the public IP address assigned to the VM scale set.
- In the properties of the MP I have also selected:

If there are any additional logs required please let me know and am happy to screenshot it.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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